Cookie Policy
Our website uses Cookies, which are small snippets of text that identify your device on our servers. These Cookies do not have the ability to identify the User individually, and are therefore not a tool for collecting personal data.
The Cookies in use store the preferences of the Users, providing a more agile and efficient user experience of the website.
Specifically, our website uses the following types of Cookies:
Session cookies: These are temporary cookies that remain in the browser’s cookie file until the user leaves the website. No logs are left on the User’s hard drive. The information collected by these Cookies is used to analyze traffic patterns on the site, contributing to the improvement of content and usability.
Analysis Cookies: These Cookies, when properly processed by us or by third parties, allow us to quantify the number of Users and to carry out measurements and statistical analyses on how Users use the service offered. We analyze Users’ navigation on our website in order to improve the offer of products or services available.
Advertising cookies: These cookies, when properly processed by us or by third parties, enable a more effective management of the offer of advertising spaces on the website. They allow the analysis of browsing habits, enabling the display of advertising related to the User’s browsing profile.
The User has the option to refuse the use and proceed to delete the aforementioned Cookies. However, it is important to note that such a decision may impact the functioning of the website, resulting in changes or limitations in navigation.